Phone Directory
- Main Number/Switchboard: 617-523-7900
- Emergency Department: 617-573-3431
- Patient Information: 617-523-7900
- Patient Pre-registration: 617-573-4200
- Admitting: 617-573-3400
- Ophthalmology (Eye) Appointments: 617-573-3202
- Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) Appointments: 617-573-3954
- Audiology (Hearing) Appointments: 617-573-3266
- International Patient Office: 617-726-2787
- Mass Eye and Ear Billing: 617-726-3884
- Financial Services: 617-573-5664
- Medical Records: 617-573-3356
- Patient Relations Specialist: 617-573-3008
- Public Safety: 617-573-3121
- Social Work Services/Discharge Planning: 617-573-3550
- Pastoral Care: 617-573-3550
- TDD (For Hearing Impaired Patients): 617-573-5500
- Development (Fundraising) Office: 617-573-3345
- Howe Library: 617-573-3664
- Human Resources: 617-573-3902
- Media Relations: 617-573-4385
- Volunteer Services: 617-573-3164